Sebastian Mychel Cruze is Interviewed by Ronnie Landis for The Holistic Human Optimization Show

Sebastian Mychel Cruze is Interviewed by Ronnie Landis for The Holistic Human Optimization Show

Ronnie Landis: Greetings everyone. Welcome to another edition of The Holistic Human Optimization Show. I’m your host as always Ronnie Landis and really, really excited for this incredible conversation, this deep dive into transformation with one of my very, very good friends, brothers, colleagues and also somebody that I’ve worked with in my entrepreneur journey and my personal development journey. This is Mr. Sebastian Cruze. And I want to just share a formal introduction and then I want to just give my own introduction of this man. So Sebastian helps entrepreneurs decode their genius so they can follow their natural success path and live their life’s greatest work. Sebastian has spoken on prominent stages and helped business leaders at the six figure seven figure and even up to $50 million in annual revenue. And what that really means is that Sebastian is in a position of influence with other very influential leaders in different industries, particularly self development or transformational industries in the whole entrepreneurial world.

Ronnie Landis:                    

And me and Sebastian met, I want to say about two-ish years ago. And we actually met in an entrepreneur mastermind that we were both part of and we became fast friends. We had a lot to dive into. We had a lot of resonance on a lot of levels. And I actually hired Sebastian at one point on through a program that he was offering at the time called the Sovereign Man project. And so the Sovereign Man program was basically like a master mind event just for men, doing men’s work, self development for men in particular. And then I also worked with him on my own business and structuring my business and getting a handle on the details.

Ronnie Landis:                    

And one of the things that I think about with Sebastian is that, it was funny, I was thinking about this analogy, I don’t know why I use this analogy, but it’s like a basketball analogy. So when I think of different MBA players like superstars, I always kind of relate it to Allen Iverson. He was always my favorite basketball player and just very unpredictable, very just somewhat all over the place, but can score in a million different ways. And when I think about you, I think of Ray Allen. Very just laser focused, precise to the T, well-spoken, well just put together and just very focused on the basics and mastering the basics and the structure of his craft. And I don’t know why that came up for me, but I just like, yeah, you’re like Ray Allen to me. The way that you operate in the sophistication and the refinement of your work and who you are, that’s what attracted me to you. And, yeah.

So that’s a little bit of an introduction on into … there’s so much more and we’re going to dive way deeper. We’re going dive into some really deep territory. Especially a lot of the recent work that’s emerged that I’ve been completely blown away by just having conversations with you. So we’ll dive into that. But how are you doing today?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze: 

Good. Thank you for that intro. I think that’s definitely a first of that comparison analogy. So very excited to be here and I know how much you put into this podcast and how much people you’ve had on here. So I’m really excited to share this time together and share some of our conversations with your audience.

Ronnie Landis:                     Yeah, right on. It’s definitely been a long time coming. We’ve talked about it for over a year probably, but as we talked about in our last call, the timing was perfect with what you’ve been working on and bringing forth into the world. So I’d like to just talk a little bit about your backstory. I think the superhero origin story is, is always important on, and that’ll give us a bit of a framework and a bridge for connecting into where you are now in what you are bringing to the world.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                               Sounds great. So a lot of the things that I talk about is doing your life’s greatest work because all these skills that we develop, all these challenges that we overcome, I really like to look at it. And what’s the context of the overall picture of a person’s career in their life? And specifically what are they doing now that can live on past the time that they’re gone? So with that context being said, I started my entrepreneurial journey not thinking about those things. I just started thinking about funny or excuse me. Well, it’s kind of funny. Started thinking about money and prestige. That was the only thing in the beginning. And so I had a web design company. We grew and grew and grew. I was using the subconscious methods of train my brain, train my mind, and I grew up and then all of a sudden I had an opportunity to look deeper into my subconscious mind.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                               I had an opportunity to use psychology profiling system to look deeper into my shadow. What are the parts about myself that I didn’t want to look at that were just on the brink of taking away what I had been built. And at the time things were going great. We were growing and growing, we were 25 full time team members and revenue was growing up every month. And so when I had a mentor shows with me, I thought, okay, that’s cool, but I’ll focus on that stuff after our huge revenue milestone, basically after all of this stuff. And lo and behold is that those shadow aspects of a mind had me aligned with people that shouldn’t have had me not lead in the way I should have. And ultimately the thing that was that I dedicated my life to him was growing, growing, start busting at the seams.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                               And my greatest fear came true that the thing that I had devoted every hour, my waking adult life to I was working a hundred hour weeks, all of a sudden started busting apart. And in that crash, when I was at my lowest point, everything had imploded and my whole identity had been just broken. That’s who I was. And in that moment I was so broken that I was like, man, I don’t even want to be here anymore. I just want to think of ways to end it. And as my mind started thinking about that, I realized that something was keeping me here, that I could never take that final step. What sounds nice was actually more depressing because I was like, I’m fucking stuck here.

And that’s when in that moment, that lowest moment I was just sitting there literally in the fetal position and also in this energy started rising up in me, start rising, rising up, and then all of a sudden in a moment, I didn’t know was happening at a time, but I just felt the fire of my life’s greatest work. I felt the mission that I’m here for. And in that moment I realized that all the other stuff that’s nice to achieve, nothing else fucking matters if I’m not doing the thing that I’m supposed to be doing here. And in that moment I didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing, but I knew that, wow, that feels a lot different. And so I started following that feeling, start following that fire. And that led me to learning from those mentors that had showed me the psychology profiling system [inaudible 00:07:40] and I went back to it.

And as I started diving into it more, I was like, wow, the accuracy of this is tremendous and if I had really focused on this before, I would have saved myself a lot of rough patches. And so as I started using those tools and unwinding the shadow aspects of my mind and be more aware of the resistance in myself that was pulling me away from my life’s greatest work, and then also the things that are waiting for me to develop that would pull me to my life’s greatest work, that’s launched me on a journey. And then from there I built a successful SEO marketing company, multiple six figures in under a year, and that is still continued to this day. And that gave me the freedom to dive into this technology even more and then eventually share it with others.

Ronnie Landis:

Beautiful. There’s so many nuggets of wisdom and insight just within that story. So I appreciate you sharing that. One of the conversations that you and I have had over the years has been about this bottle neck phenomenon, right? Especially in the entrepreneur and coaching space. But this can relate to any area of life. You could look at your health, you can look at your relationships. It’s almost like we create a model of reality for ourself in a way of operating in the world or any particular area in our life. And it’s almost like we become a slave to our own design, right? To the model of our own design. It may be a higher model than the one we were used to, but eventually there’s a bottleneck. There’s a ceiling to it.

And as we’re growing, the image I’m getting is as we’re growing as an individual, that box or model actually has to break and a new one has to emerge as something more expansive has to happen. Otherwise, we regress, right? We can’t grow beyond that. And I think that’s one of the challenges. I know that’s one of the challenges I’ve had constantly. Some constantly breaking out of models and boxes and it’s not particularly fun. It sneaks up sometimes because if we don’t know the limitations of the model that we’ve created for ourselves ahead of time, we’re going to have a rude awakening because how can you plan for something that you don’t have a measurement of or metrics of. So I think that that’s been a really interesting conversation.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:

Yeah, absolutely. One of the things that come to mind for me as I’m hearing you say that is it’s really hard to win the game if we don’t know the rules of the game. And that’s what’s essentially happening is everyone talks about limiting beliefs, talks about the power of the subconscious. Everyone is pretty much in agreement there, that’s aware of it. But the thing that’s missing is what’s the specific combination of limiting beliefs? What’s the specific combination of internal resistance patterns that a person has? Because especially with the conscious mind, yeah, it’s not a one size fits all. So when we start looking at the map, which is that’s where I start with people. It’s like, let’s look at the rules of your own game so that we can know all the ways that the mind will try and creep up on you and pull back what you gained.

And when I was at that low point, that’s where I really felt like I was just going along my life and then all sudden like something hit me out of nowhere. And as I started studying these patterns that seem like, whoa, okay, this is what’s really going on here. I feel like the punches of life back then were still coming, were still coming, but it was just like instead of not seeing it all, maybe I saw it right as it came out. And then the next time, I was maybe a dodge a little bit until more and more and the challenges of lifestyle come up and down, but it’s when we know to conquer the rules of the game, then it’s easier to not get so emotionally attached so that our decision process is clearer and we’re able to spend less time in the muck. more time moving through it.

Ronnie Landis:

Okay. Brilliant. I want to talk about, I want to unpack that concept with you a little bit further as it relates to the process that you take people through, and this idea of decoding your genes. That’s what we’re talking about, right? How do you actually decode new genius? My whole thing has been about activating genius, but even in of itself, that isn’t the full picture. It’s because, well, that’s a long, that’s a complicated topic in of itself, but the idea of activating your potential is one thing, but how do you integrate it? How do you stabilize it? How do you stabilize those peak states of experience and make that the new normal versus just have the high and the low because we know that the higher you go, the lower you fall.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:

Right, right. Yeah. Let’s take a look at that because genius has been something that throughout history has been this mystical thing that you must have been born with it or people don’t really know. And really what it is, is it’s having such a high level of proficiency in a focal point, which can combine other areas of knowledge but such a high proficiency in this specific area that it becomes unconscious competence. And the subconscious mind is linked to that area focus and it flows through. And we’ll go with the basketball analogy because in sports everybody is aware of being in the zone. Everyone is aware of that thing, that mode, when people just operate automatically and they’re [crosstalk 00:13:11] but powerful.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:

And so it’s really about exactly we’re talking about is taking that into daily life more and more. And the way that we find that zone for ourselves, it’s interesting. It’s actually the way I look at is like in our shadow limiting beliefs in those resistance patterns that are pulling at us so much inside of each of those is actually like a key. It’s like a golden key that as we go into unravel it, decode, it would grab that key and that opens up a new aspect of our hidden talents, which over time we develop those right hidden talents than it naturally becomes our genius patterns.

Ronnie Landis:

Amazing. Amazing explanation. So let’s dive into … oh well, I’m not sure which direction, I’ll hand it off to you, which direction you want to go. I want to bring in two things. I want to go deeper into the decoding genius process. And I think maybe actually what’s coming to me is talking about resistance, right?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:    Yes.

Ronnie Landis: 

Because you’ve really made a brilliant analogy and you’ve done this, this process with a number of people, including your own family, which is an incredible testament and you relate a resistance to like a beast. So this idea of like, the way that I interpreted is actually engaging with the resistance and not being a victim to the resistance. That’s a simplistic way of saying it. But, yeah, let’s bring that in because I feel like the ‘resistance’ is the barrier between our genius, between our intrinsic gifts and not only accessing them, but a being able to use those as tools that we integrate in our life.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:   Right. It’s the enemy.

Ronnie Landis:                     Uh-huh (affirmative).

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:   So resistance. The way I describe that is the invisible force that prevents people from doing the things they know they should be doing and that can-

Ronnie Landis:                     Wow. Wow.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze: Yeah. So we’ve all felt that in our own different ways, whether it was with health or business, certain things that we know we should do, but it’s like, ah, okay. So there’s a philosophy of just do it and just using brute force just to move forward. And it can be effective, but oftentimes it’s not for people and it’s because you’re basically the conscious mind, which has this much power and the subconscious mind, which has this much power or fighting against each other. Who do you think is going to win? And Dr. Bruce Lipton is quoted as saying that the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful mind than the conscious mind. Well, it’s like damn, are we going to go to battle against someone’s a hundred times more powerful than this? And that’s where I can talk about, instead of just beating the resistance, it’s actually reversing the risk. Because there’s a tremendous amount of energy in there. So we can try and just beat that energy to a pole or we can go into it, find the key that unlocks it, and then all of a sudden starts pulling a person forward.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Okay. Beautiful. So let’s unpack that some more like, so that key, how does someone find that key? Because the thing with resistance that I’ve found is that it’s a tremendous amount of energy that has a compounding effect. So the less we engage with it, the more we avoid it, it doesn’t just go away. Right? It builds and grows. And I think this is even further to the point that we would naturally go to is that that resistance can be something very, very small. But the longer we put it off into the closet, it grows, it gets hungry. It’s like a hungry ghost to just grows and compounds and compounds until it becomes this overwhelming thing that sidelines us in our business or in our health, that could be like cancer diagnosis, right? You put that off for 30 years and all of a sudden you get sidelined. I want to get your perspective on that and then also lead into like, how does somebody reverse in other words, right?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                            

Yeah. Got it. It’s like, let’s cross take, from the person who’s listening right now, let’s take the thing that you feel the most resistance in your life. That one area where you’re like, wow, I really want what’s on the other side of it, but ah, it just like there’s a black cloud or a fog or a beast that’s fighting against me, a resistance beast. And the first thing we need to understand is when we feel resistance, is it resistance to the path we should go or are we going away from our life’s greatest work?

Ronnie Landis:                     Wow. Wow. Yes.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

And when we go back to my story in the web design company, I was hitting resistance and I was smashing right through it. It was like big wall, I go over it. Bigger challenge, I go under it. But what I was missing at the time was that like, who is ever operating the whole thing, whether it’s God, higher consciousness, the universe or whatever. I was like, I was getting signals to like, hey, you’re going in this way. You got to do the Dakota genius work to learn and grow this stuff and shares with people. Doing web design is not your life’s greatest works, it’s not your life’s call.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

So first and foremost, that’s why I think it’s helpful to think, okay, let’s get a sense of where’s the direction you want to go and is this resistance in alignment with that? And if it is, then it’s like, okay, I need to get through to this. Then what I found is reversing as to take a look at what’s the specific patterns that your resistance beast has? So we use the basketball analogy again. It’s like imagine you had the playbook of all your opponents place. Okay, they started the key, they throw it down low, top it out for three pointer. So we take a look at what’s your own resistant patterns so that in the moment when it comes up and you’re going throughout your daily life, then it’s like, oh, okay, I know exactly what’s happening here. Just that awareness alone makes it so much easier to conquer it. It doesn’t do all the work, but it helps it. So let me know how that sits with you. And then also I think if we can find a practical way for those at home to start…

Ronnie Landis:                    

Yes. Well, you said something really key. It’s so interesting. Almost everything we’re talking about in some way, shape or form. I was talking to my partners Solara last night about, because her whole thing is about flow. That’s like her whole focus, right? So like that’s the theme that’s undercurrenting this whole conversation and really identifying the energy and the patterns around that energy of that block that flow. And one of the things that we talked about that you just mentioned was the awareness of it. And I think that that’s such a powerful thing just to maybe just to punctuate for everyone is that we avoid things that make us uncomfortable, especially if we don’t know either what they are.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Think of a child, for example, if there’s a child’s in dark room, their imagination is more susceptible to threats and things of like the boogeyman or there’s a monster in a closet or something, right? We’ve probably all experienced as a child, but what happens if we’ve never actually confronted that these are very similar things, but just more as adults we have different concerns, right? So the point I’m making is that once that child opens the door and sees that there’s nothing in there, then there’s no concern. There’s no energy or emotionality around it. Now that may not be the case with whatever our thing is. There’s a perceivable challenge, but by identifying it and looking at it and in accepting it, it actually gives us a lot more power. Right?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Exactly. I’m so happy you punctuated that. It’s a great way of saying it. Is how I remember this and show people as naming and claiming it, naming and claiming it. Because if you’re fighting against something that you don’t even know, then how are you going to win? You’re not. So you’ve got to name and claim before we can do anything. And so something you can do right now as of watching this video is you can start writing down, okay, let me start off with writing down the ways that my resistance piece, your resistance piece is fighting against you. What are the specific actions that you’re taking when you feel that resistance? Write those down. What’s the specific emotions? Negative emotions that you have, write those down. And then plaster that on your mirror in the morning.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

Whatever it is, just keep getting awareness of it because the more it becomes second nature, then the more in the moment when you’re, say dealing with a challenging situation, then you’re more likely to oh, this is what’s happening. And in that moment it’s so simple, but it’s so much of the battle right there is you’ve just risen above the fray of the back and forth battle so that you can … you’ve risen above so you can see, still got to take the actions still got to move. But in that moment it gets easier to see.

Ronnie Landis:                     Perfect.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Just one thing with that too. So in terms of training the subconscious mind to be your ally instead of enemy, you don’t need to go watch hours on YouTube… Like those are all great, but I call them slow lane methods because how long is it going to take and what’s actually going to happen? So instead of going in those ways, just put this up and put your intention for the next week is naming and claiming everything that you see.

Ronnie Landis:                    

I think that’s so, so valuable. And one of the other things that you had said that I want to bring back is this idea of your resistance could either mean that you’re basically bumping up against the wrong trajectory and you’re trying to force something that’s not actually truly in alignment with your soul and that would actually create the resistance because your soul is trying to reroute you back towards your authentic destiny. And then you can have resistance because there’s just natural growth challenges that are going to occur when you’re on your authentic, right? So it’s almost like my mentor Michael Bernard Beckwith says it this way… “You’re either on the Karmic path or you’re on the Dharmic path.”

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:

I like it. Yeah, let’s talk about that. And that’s such a great way of putting that because it makes all the difference and it’s something that’s not really talked about much especially in the business world. And it makes all the difference because man, if you go a hundred miles that way and a hundred miles of that way and you needed to go that way, now you just have to go 100 miles and then 200 miles just to be back zero by math correctly. So it’s a skill to build this learning your own navigational system. Is this along the path of my life’s greatest work or am I just doing this for the money or the things that I think will win but my instincts deep down if I listened to them or telling me to go that way?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

And that’s something we’ve seen time and time again in traditional business philosophy is the gut feeling and oh well the deal look good on paper but my gut feeling said no. So this is like sophistication to your gut feeling and why your gut feeling is actually trying to lead you in the path of your life’s greatest work. And before I go into like developing that skill, the reason why instincts are naturally guiding you, your true instincts, not your resistance instincts, your true inner instincts, I call it like a GPS in your chest. It’s guiding you to go there and you know when it’s guiding you because you can feel an expansive feeling and you can feel contracted feeling. And when you’ve made a big leap in your life, what did you actually feel? You felt like, oh, I’ve got to do this. Something inside of me is like, I’ve got to do this. I know this is the right path. And then there was a bunch of fears up here.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

This is actually the mechanics of what’s going on. And this doesn’t have to be just a once in a while thing. This is actually a daily practice of navigating your life in this way. So let’s sit with that before we go to the next step.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Yes. That’s really, really amazing and really essential. And you’re right, it’s not something that’s often talked about. And this whole idea of just push, push, push, push, push. I’ve been living that out most of my life and it was really good for a lot of my life because I was on my authentic path and especially as an athlete and martial artist, that was my path at that time. So that worked for me. And it felt like flow, even though it was hard work, it felt like flow and congruency and like I was being carried by kind of a carrier wave of energy. And I’ve also had so many experiences trying to figure out the bumbling of being an entrepreneur and like doing multiple ventures, multiple projects, multiple business ideas and just figuring my way through. Like, what is it that I really, really want to do? Or like you said, like what’s the magnum opus, the great life’s work, what is that?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                    

And it’s something that I think that it can happen through trial and error. It does happen through trial and error, but that idea of just pushing through this is such an important thing. And to be able to have the discernment between when is it actually appropriate and necessary to push past the extra 5%. Let’s say you’ve done 95% of the work, right? But then there’s that 5% right to get to pass through the finish line. Right? But then what happens if we just habituate to pushing all the time and then try to carry the weight on our shoulders and yeah, I guess where I’m going with that as is first making that distinction and punctuating that whole thing that you mentioned. And then also, how important it is to discern within ourselves, I guess using that heart GPS to actually discern which one is appropriate because it’s not always obvious.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

Right. It’s not. And what’s really cool about this is when we use our subconscious mind, we’re essentially using full brain thinking and we start off in business strategy being very left brain, very analytical. And that achieves us very real degree of success for people because we need to be structured, we need to be results oriented. And everybody knows that when artists create, when they create the most beautiful things that evoke emotions, they’re using the right brain. It’s creativity, it’s flow, it’s access to something invisible and happens.

So it would logically make sense that if we are using our left brain and we want to use our right brain, then we would just pop over and use them both. But how it actually happens is as humans is that we need to travel down to the heart first. And there’s organizations like Senior Heart Math Institute that has measured the frequencies of the heart and also measured, okay, when the mind is in one certain state and the heart is in a certain state, what happens? And that’s where they found that there’s something called coherence, which we both know where the mind and heart or basically the frequency waves are in a certain rhythm together in a certain range. And what they’ve found is that when people are measured in that range, they’re more relaxed and more creative and they get different ideas.

So getting this flow state into our daily life is really connecting to the heart here, which then are emotional wounds and hurts are blocking that. We need to clear those out, connect here, and then that’s when it’s like the loop travels up and we’re using whole brain thinking. So yeah, let’s share that.

Ronnie Landis:                    

That’s brilliant. I’m really glad you brought that, that mind heart integration piece into it and the thing about coherence, because to me, flow states are all about being coherent. If you think of a coherent laser beam, it’s a coherent beam of light. It’s not fragmented, it’s not scattered. There’s not energy that’s opposing one another. It’s going in a singular line of pure lucid focus. And so that’s another way of explaining the flow state, which is coherence between the brain or the mind and the heart. And most of the time they’re opposing each other through conditioning. And so with that said, what I want to get you to really drop in with us about is the genius map.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

Yes. Let’s take a look at that. And the reason why I shared with this people isn’t just so people can think better, achieve more, do less. Those are all part of it. But if that’s where the train stopped, it would be hollow. Yes, those are the things that you can achieve. And it’s all with the central focus of you doing exactly what the fuck you were born to do. And the way I look at it as like, there’s a, if you take an acorn seed for an oak tree, it’s already got the blueprint inside of it to grow into an oak tree. You don’t need to tell the acorn, you don’t need to give it a little positive affirmations these morning. It’s just already has the blueprint. You just got to give the right water and soil.

And that’s how I view humans is that we all have our unique blueprint. And I’ve seen it with over a hundred people. I’ve done readings with by now over six, seven years training this, with my mentors and all of us combined, tens of thousands of direct case studies, nearly 30 years of research I’ve seen in my own lane, all the different combinations that a person has. And so that is what’s trying to grow through you to do your life’s greatest work. And just like an oak tree, think of a massive oak tree, that’s your life’s greatest work where it can have many branches, many facets. And once you’re gone, that tree is solid, your life’s greatest work is solid there.

And that’s really what we’re here to do because it’s like if we’re here to help the world, to help people, that’s great. And what’s going to happen 300 years from now, if that’s just washed away with the sands of time? And my feeling is like if we’re going to build an impact, who might well do something that is still felt 500 years from now. Personally, I don’t give a shit if anybody remembers my name [crosstalk 00:32:46] now or nothing. But my personal satisfaction when it’s all said and done when I’m on my deathbed is feeling like, okay, whatever waves of value that was created, even if nobody knows where they came from, they’re at least still carrying through [crosstalk 00:33:02] humanity.

Ronnie Landis:                    

That’s beautiful. That’s exactly how I feel. And I think that’s an evolution. I think I told you this, what you’re bringing forth is really an evolution of so much of what we’ve learned in the personal development industry and where it’s gotten us on a certain stage of development. But it definitely is time that all of us not only thought differently cause that’s where it starts. We have to upgrade our thinking, we have to upgrade our models of what’s possible, our belief systems, all of that and actually have more effective means to do that in of itself.

But then we also have to upgrade our vision of what’s possible and stretching that far beyond our own sense of mortality, our own sense of survival instincts to a place where not only can we create thriving attributes in our life, have freedom, have time freedom, location to do what we love to do, find a way to only do what we love to do, but to also allow our life to be a ripple of impact. Like both of our friend Alex Moscow says an ROI as a ripple of impact, right? So what’s the ROI going to be on our life journey or the investments and decisions that we’ve made in our life when it’s all said and done?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:

Exactly. Exactly. So following your natural success path, let’s share that with people. So let’s decode your genius so that you can follow your natural success path. So you don’t have to be fighting for every inch that you earn, be in the flow. And that just so happens, it just so happens to be the same path of your life’s greatest work. And that’s why I get so much joy out of this is because I get to help people decode who their inner brilliance is. And then it just so happens to be intertwined with helping their specific cause that they care most about because there’s so many different causes in this world, and the ones that are near and dear to my heart are probably different than other people’s and all different, but everyone’s got their own causes that we can come together to create

So the people listening have felt that at times, they felt that. And I’m here to say it loud and clear that that’s their own inner genius [crosstalk 00:35:20]. They’re not layers of pain, of emotional pain, emotional doubt. You might need to develop that. You probably do, like we all do. You’re not just going to wake up and like, boom. I’m in the zone, you have to develop it. But at least you’ll be developing the right things at the right time in the right way.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Yes, yes. Such a key message. There’s two things I want to talk to you about. First of all, I’d like to ask you what are your rituals? Because obviously one of the hallmarks of stabilizing any upgrade, any transformation is the rituals that anchor in not only the behavior, but the behavior becomes, it becomes a byproduct of who we become, but who we become is also influenced by what we do most consistently. Right? So I’d love to get a sense of like what are your rituals that help you anchor in to your own transformations and what keeps you in flow?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Yes, great question. So I’ll say that it’s different for everybody and I truly believe that giving people enough structures so that they can figure out their own structure and not be locked in to what worked for somebody else. So I’ve done many different things where I was very like almost militant with the structure and that the nuance of everything. And then I’ve had times with their more flowing. For me personally, what’s been a huge practice to actually put this into practice every day is noticing, okay, first and foremost, let’s notice when the GPS in my chest is guiding me to say the left path when it’s the left or the right. So first is noticing, okay, wow, it feels expansive towards that area and you follow that. Or sometimes it feels a little expansive, but it feels like something is a little closed on it.

And then I asked, okay, well, and you’re basically having a dialogue with your subconscious mind. So it asks, okay, what was it about the person or is it about the timing? And you can deduct what feels contracted about it. And then when you solve that and say, okay, well let’s change it to this date or change it this way, you can feel the energy open up. So this is like, people are fascinated with time, right? Because we want to get results quicker. What’s happening here is that the processing power is so much faster. So basically accessing the processing power and it’s going into the future, crossing all these different permutations and we’re basically saying, okay, hey, which one is the best one that’s in line of my life’s greatest work. We don’t even have to say that, but that’s what it’s naturally built to guidance.

So in that process we can kind of let go a little bit of this mind just follow this and you know, I need to follow it a few times before you’re like, wow, okay I’m getting very different results here than I was when I was trying to figure it all out with my conscious mind. So first is building this skill. It’s a skill. It’s a muscle. So just like you go to the gym and you do a bench press a couple of times, you’re not going to expect to have a chest like the Rock. It’s like, you got to keep building it and got to learn the nuances of it. So once you started doing that and you can go into that cue here in state quicker of just like, okay, let me just feel it because you’ll first start, maybe need to meditate a bit and slow down the mind, but then you’ll get better and better at it where you can just go in the zone and you can feel it.

So then the daily practice is to start your day with that. Lock your day from that place instead of the place of fear, anger or frustration or just like, oh whoa, I didn’t get a good night’s sleep last night. Start at that place first, and then what I invite you to do is ask you to take your challenge that you got on. This is all practical. This is all practical. You don’t need to wait. Just take your biggest challenge you have right now, go into this place where you’re feeling connected to your heart mind, and then do the process with that challenge. New ideas come, and it might make sense the moment. It might not, it might be simple, but as you start doing that, you see, okay, I’m going on a different path and then you focus on throughout the day, am I bringing this energy into that task or am I approaching the task with dull energy?

And there’s going to be some things that you don’t like to do. That’s okay, is that you can connect to this energy and then we can do is connect to a new way of doing it or a new vision with that task and then all of a sudden you’re rolling on fire with it. So it’s like driving your car. And so if you’re driving in your car at 60 and you’re driving it now at 120. I used a lot of layers there. Let me know how …

Ronnie Landis:                    

Yes, that’s really well put. One of the things I was coming to my mind around this for my own personal experiences is the last time we were on the phone call, I told you about a recent thing that occurred in my life in a major decision that I made. And we won’t go into that now. Save that for much later. But you know what that is. And so what was interesting about that for me is I’ve tended to not only try to think from the outcome or the bigger picture, but I try to get myself literally in that place as quickly as possible. Some things are easier done than others. But what I mean by that is trying to make the decision, that pivot decision that’s going to actually change my destiny point.

It’s actually like going to the Olympics. That’s something I talk about a lot from an identity perspective because I was competing and training for the Olympics 10 years before I was even trying to go to the Olympics. All my behaviors, all of my thought process, everything started to map to that. And then so it wasn’t this thing of like, oh, I’m going towards it. It was like pulling it towards me to shape me in a way where that would be the logical result. And I’m kind of extreme that way I guess. A lot of people would say I’m kind of extreme, not everyone has the temperament for that because one of the things that does happen is that you have a concentrated level of tension between the new self and the old self. It’s like fast tracking the transformation, which for some people that may be too intense. I’ve definitely felt the pressure of that and I haven’t been able to always live into it.

Sometimes I’ve felt too much pressure so I’ve had to back out and readjust, but still setting my sale on the ultimate vision nonetheless even if my original plan to get there wasn’t ultimately the plan, I still wanted to get in the game as quickly as possible. So that’s just one perspective. I’m curious what you think about that and I just want to reiterate what you said that all of us can take advantage of is that how we start our day sets the tone for the rest of our day and how we set the next day and the next day and it has that same compounding effect just as avoiding the fear does, it’s just now you’re empowering yourself to start changing your operating system.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:

Exactly. And sometimes I’ll share with people – there’s a lot of talk on productivity and all those sorts of things, biohacking, and that’s all great. And I think if it works for people, it works for you. It’s great. The idea that I offer is if a car is optimized to go 150 miles an hour instead of a hundred miles an hour. If I was still going in the wrong direction, then was the optimizing really optimizing...?

Ronnie Landis:                    

Right. Yeah. Wow. You actually just drove even faster in the wrong direction.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:

Exactly. And this is what can happen. And this would happen to me when I was using force, I was optimized putting everything in. I was going in the wrong direction to a web design company, instead of listening to the inner GPS, which was saying, hey course correct, you started in the right direction, but you need to just make a little right here. And I was just going just off, just off the map and that’s where the life gives us signs. And there’s this saying that the life first speaks to us in like a whisper. [crosstalk 00:44:00] that’s a shout. And then they’re like, wow, they’re not even listening. And then they throw like a rock boom, okay, it keeps moving and then they throw a boulder until finally things collapse at that moment. And maybe the person may be reading this have or listening this have, you don’t need to. So the more we follow our inner guidance, which is your own subconscious speaking to you, which is guiding you in your life’s greatest work, the more we going to have to be going in the wrong direction.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Okay. This brings up an interesting distinction. So when we talk about rituals, would it be fair to say that the most important rituals that we’ve set up for ourself are the ones where we create space to listen versus doing, doing, doing?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

Yes. Exactly. And it’s like a … comes to mind as a, there’s like that old game chutes and ladders, I think [crosstalk 00:44:54] different levels and it’s like we’re speeding up along the level, but there’s like a ladder to go up to the next one instead of all the way over all the way back. It’s like exactly what you said, creating that space to listen. It’s like, ooh, okay. There’s a ladder.

Ronnie Landis:                     Right. So by slowing down, you actually speed up.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:  When you slow down, listen and then act on that-

Ronnie Landis:                     On the message that you get.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:   Exactly.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Yeah. Okay. So this is hitting are really key point because we’ve all had something similar to this and this brings it back to like potentially the shadow of the subconscious where it’s like, why don’t we do what we do what we know to do or why do we do the things we know not to do? Yeah. I just lost my train of thought. I mean, I got that point out, but there was another bit to that that … oh no, it’s the slowing down. Okay. It was the slowing down piece. Right?

In our culture, as you’re well aware of all the conditioning, all the programming, all the manic anxious, almost maniacal stress that we’ve all felt, especially if you are an entrepreneur, it’s like, unless you’re just like you’re a monk and you just got the codes and you came into this planet with all of that just online, I guarantee that you’ve felt overwhelmed, you fell confusion, you’ve felt ton of stress and you probably have habituated to it just like many of us have. So this piece around stillness, I want to just kind of focus a little bit longer with you on this because as simple and free, and [crosstalk 00:46:41] as it is, why is it so challenging for us to simply create five minutes or 10 minutes or an hour of spaciousness to listen to the guidance versus just like, I know I got to do stuff, I got to do stuff. I got to act. That whole thing.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Man, you nailed it. So let’s hop into that because I feel like that’s a missing piece that without it, then people just get sucked into what they’re normally doing. So number one, it’s that the business world is screaming to them that you just got to fucking do it. You just got to crush it. You just got to go, go, go. So when we’re hearing that, which does then does work, it just takes probably two or three, the amount of energy and you just got to blast through it. So it’s also about being like the efficiency and alignment.

I spent a lot of time in my early life creating unnecessary struggle, creating unnecessary drama so I could make it through and then be the victor and say, look, look what I made it through. And I made it to this and it was so tough. And when I kind of had enough of that, I realized, oh God, my mind is creating this for me. And I could see the ways that I was doing these things that would create it. And I thought, okay, well there’s no honor in unnecessary struggle. All right? So sometimes you got to just bust through it. But if it’s unnecessary, no honor.

So first mindset shift needs to happen is like, okay, this is actually more beneficial to you. Second thing is to know that mind heart, it’s a short distance. But for most people, that’s the longest distance they’ll ever travel in their life. And it’s because all of our emotional, we have our body here, but you can basically imagine our emotional layers are blocking it. And the other common philosophy is just suppress your emotions, don’t show weakness. It’s like you go through there and in our own way and clear those out and outcome-ize them and then that makes it easier to feel what the heart is doing there because in the beginning, I’ll just say for myself, I was all mind. I didn’t know. I was like, I didn’t even realize I had a body down there.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

It’s like, yeah, you do sports and stuff like that and like [crosstalk 00:49:06] back here. And so as I was connecting to that, I couldn’t feel anything going on here. I’ll just say that. I just was like, what? Okay, tell me that … it just didn’t work. But through the layers I started noticing, oh, I do have a certain theme in here. I did have a good feeling where I did kind of a bad feeling. So second thing is needed, clear those emotional layers for yourself. Don’t make it easier. And then you develop your ability to listen to your subconscious mind because as that connection grows better than better, you’ll start hearing it quicker and quicker. And then you start learning, like it’s almost like the dance with it because sometimes you’ll get like an image or maybe a word or something, but it needs a little bit more explanation.

So that’s where you build your skill of like, okay, I’m going to ask this question. And then it like starts giving you all the pieces. Sometimes it just gives you everything all right. But sometimes it needs a little bit, all of these pieces put into place. That’s what stops people. That’s what stops people where usually they feel it. They’re like, this sounds good. I feel it’s right. But there’s this gap and from what I’ve seen people aren’t really talking about this gap, so it’s hard to get over it.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Right, right. Yeah. And you don’t know how to cross the bridge. One of the things that I had experienced is getting caught in what I call no man’s land. So there’s aimlessness there, which is the worst thing ever. It’s the worst feeling, especially when one such as myself is so identified and so, you could say optimized by purpose and by directions. So to feel a sense of purposelessness or the sense of like, I have a sense of where to go, but it’s cloudy, it’s foggy. I’m in this kind of weird fog and I don’t know how to get out of it. And it’s almost like, I do believe that a lot of life is a faith walk, obviously. There’s things that we can’t predict and we have to act on faith a lot of times, but we don’t have to live on blind faith.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze: Correct. So true.

Ronnie Landis:                     Nor should we.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Yes. Yes. I just had to say that a thousand times yes to that. And that’s what I feel like it’s a lot easier to have faith when there’s a good plan or a good method, and this is about my whole work is helping people connect to their own path of genius. Not my version of it, their own version and then following their inner GPS. And so as you get better at following it, it gets easier to trust it because it’s like the brain immediately says, oh, look at those last five times you trusted it. Look what happened from there. And that naturally, if you’re in a situation right now, which happens to everybody where at some point we lose their Mojo, we lose our fire, where did it go? And usually it happens after a person’s achieved a lot of great things.

And it’s like, what the fuck? This is the last thing it’s supposed to happen. And what happens that usually we’re driven by our core fears, angers, not being worth enough. And that creates a lot of anger fire, a lot of frustration. I’m going to show the world I’m going to show the haters, everything like this. And that creates just enough inertia just to blast through, brute force blasting through. And once a person starts getting a certain level of [inaudible 00:52:42] level of success, they’ve actually gone up the scale of consciousness, which we understand. Well, most often in the scale of consciousness by David Hawkins, PhD MD is categorize the different emotions on a scale and lower emotions on the bottom, like anger, fear, guilt, shame, resentment and up top is peace, love, and joy. It ain’t the flow zone.

Ronnie Landis:                     Yes, yes, exactly.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

Peace love and joy. They sound soft and they can be soft or they can be the most powerful thing on the planet. Because when you’re connected to your purpose, what is its love for something greater than you love, peace because you know you’re doing the fucking thing that you were born to do. And it’s fun because it’s near genius zone. Your hidden talents are coming out. So on this scale, as a person starts rising above the anger and the hate usually, and this is all on average, throughout their day, everyone will fluctuate of course, but on average they’re moving up. Then all of a sudden there’s a point of neutrality, it’s literally a point of neutrality. And it’s above anger, but it’s below the higher level of joy. And that’s usually where people … they lose their fire, lose their Mojos, what am I doing wrong? Well, actually, you’re on the right track.

Ronnie Landis:                     Wow. Wow.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

And this is where the GPS in the chest is saying, hey, let’s hop into your life’s greatest work path. And then that, boom, and it’s something you shared too that you felt and I believe everyone’s felt this at times as well as instead of being pushed to something instead of pushing against and battling all of a sudden the flip switches and we’re pulled. And we’re being pulled by our life’s greatest work.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Wow. Wow. Man, that’s so powerful. One of the things you said that is so powerful is that when you’re in that, that in between space, you’re on the right path. And I think that’s where it gets the trickiest, right? Because you get used to this momentum, right? And that’s the kind of like which path are we going on and how the path to change. You get this momentum and it feels so exhilarating and you feel so alive and so focused and you feel like, wow, I’m doing my work on creating results. Whatever the case may be, there’s an energy behind it for that to go flat with no disclaimer, with no instruction manual. No heads up, just kind of happens. I think for a lot of people that can be a dream at death trap.

Maybe this is why so many people … all right so many people. Yeah, why so many people actually turn back there three feet from gold, right? We know about that whole story, why people actually turn back or the very few continue to move forward till they transcend that and get pulled, pulled up. Okay, so this is what I want. I want to ask you that in between zone. Is that the pivotal moment of being pulled versus being pushed because that’s what’s coming up for me. You can push your way to a certain point, but then at some point that doesn’t, that doesn’t work anymore, so something has to pull you further.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Exactly. So two things. A person doesn’t have to wait until that point to flip the script and be like, okay, I’m getting pulled. They can do it sooner. Most often it happens with people where they’ve risen up and they’re like, Whoa, okay, I’m here. And so just like you shared is that they have a choice whether they know it or not, to stay in limbo land and just be lukewarm. And that’s where you’re usually people, I’ll be like, oh, well that thing that I want, I’m going to buy this when a buyer that are, and there’s nothing wrong with buying things. By the way, I’m a capitalist at heart and when it says bind to try and fill the void, then that’s why they’re in limbo land and there’s no fire there. And that’s where we can see things with people. It’s like just from a very practical standpoint, things start slipping for people because who wants to do business with Mr Lukewarm? There’s no energy there. There’s no fire.

And yes, there’s different personality types and people are introvert, extrovert, but everyone can feel it when someone’s connected, you’d feel it. And they don’t have to be screaming from the mountain top. It can be a look in their eye, you can feel it. And that’s magnetic. So a person has opportunity to be pulled. And there’s one other item there. Oh, but they don’t, either they stay in limbo land or they start falling down. They have to find something that re-angers them. Oh, well actually these guys, they hated me all along. Or actually, here’s this different enemy. And then so it’s like that’s the closest thing they can feel is that fire of the anger.

Ronnie Landis:                    

That’s so funny you said that bro. Totally, I’m looking at a particular phase in the last couple of years where I literally I’d be looking at like Monsanto and GMO foods or the vaccine epidemic. And these are all real issues in my world, but I was almost trying to use it as a way to crack through a bit of complacency and that feeling of not being able to get it going, so to speak. I was trying to use these adversarial things as a way to get going. But it didn’t work. Even with all of that, it still wasn’t enough for me to actually move through my internal process.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Right, right. And this is like when the fuel is switching for somebody. And as that starts happening, you start experiencing just what you felt where it’s like, you’re feeling the anger, but it’s like, it’s almost like starting an engine where it’s like there’s gas in there and it’s like, vroom, vroom, vroom.

Ronnie Landis:                     It doesn’t matter how angry you are. It’s the car is not starting.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Yeah. And this is also too where I think also, people on the more say spiritual path, might get caught in limbo land as well, where it’s like, okay, well everything is love and peace. Which is true by the way. And it’s also fucking true that people are dying getting tortured right now in certain areas of the world as well as animals. So everything is love and peace, but they need some help too. So whichever way a person finds their way there, pulled by the purpose, pulled by the purpose.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Wow. Wow, brother. This was, this was extremely value packed. Extremely rich. And I know that what we’re doing here in this conversation is providing multiple ideas and a framework for people of how to activate and how to access their own intrinsic genius. How to move through those unknown zones that we often get caught up in and really how to leverage our unconscious or subconscious programs or habituated patterns that tend to be self defeating and how to flip that around so we’re not disowning the energy, right? This is so key. We’re not disowning it, we’re acknowledging it, we’re identifying it and where it’s almost like, hey, how do I bring you into the fold where, what needs healing, what needs integration? Because that’s a powerful energy right there. And how do I convert that and get that player, that powerful adversary on the championship team? How do I recruit them and get them over to my team?


Oh, that’s a great analogy. Exactly.

Ronnie Landis:                    

So Sebastian, you have some resources for everybody. I know that you have your Decode Your Genius program that you, that you just brought out to the public. I know that you also work with people. I’ve worked with you multiple times. So many of our mutual friends have worked with you and they all rave about it. I rave about, it’s one of the most powerful, I don’t even want to call it typology type of things. It’s just like self discovery on processes that you take people through. So I’d love for you to share how do people find out more about you? How do they get access to your programs, your information and anything else you want to share?

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                              

Yes. Thank you for that by the way. My website is and Facebook is Sebastian Mychel Cruze. And for everyone listening, I’ve got a special gift is, we’ve talked about the map. So I want you to have your own map. Now, it’s going to have some interesting looking symbols that’s going to take some decoding, but you’ll have your map. And so for everybody who goes to R-O-N-N-I-E, you’ll be able to sign up for your free map that’s customized to you. And then I’ll also do a free mini reading with you and we’ll take you through one of your resistance themes and how it’s showing up in your life and what you can do. Actionable, real things you can do right away to start winning, living your life’s greatest work.

Ronnie Landis:                    

That’s huge and generous of you. Man, what an incredible conversation. I appreciate you so much. So glad we finally the perfect time converged and we made this happen and yeah, really grateful for you, your work. And I can’t wait to see how it continues to refine and emerge. And I really do believe like on a Joe Dispenza type influence level, I think I really believe that your work is going to manifest and really impact millions and millions of lives. I don’t think I’ve ever said that to anyone on this podcast, but that was the vision I got when we were on the phone and I was like, dude, this is revolutionary. This is really, this is going to really affect a lot of people. Amazing work.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze:                             

Thank you so much. And I’ll just say, yeah, I’m standing on the shoulders of giants where it’s such a beautiful time in human history where we are getting the power, each of us to help in our own unique ways. And as I mentioned before, there’s so much pain in the world, there’s so much suffering in the world, yet each person through their genius can help that cause, not in a specific way and have a phenomenal life in the process and blessed to be a messenger of the work.

Ronnie Landis:                    

Beautiful. The feeling is mutual. Good to great to know you, a great to be friends with you, colleagues and I look forward to seeing where are parallel paths take us and can’t wait to connect with you soon brother.

Sebastian Mychel Cruze: Thanks Ronnie.